Layout your thoughts in many fragments. Text, checklists, images, containers, links to other boards and more!
DefragNotes features all kinds of Fragments (with more to come!). Arrange items like text, checklists, images, links, containers, more boards, and even draw directly on your boards to annotate anything.
Share your boards with your friends! Invite collaborators, control user permissions and create boards together.

Find anything with powerful search tools. Fuzzy search by contents, tags, boards, and more.

Board Tree Graph
Your interactive Brain Map. View, manage, and navigate your boards with graph visualisations.
Your ideas are limitless; and so is your canvas. Expand your thoughts and pan around freely in every board.
Boards are an infinite canvas space, you can pan around without having to resize anything. So there is more space whenever you need it. Quickly shuffle around and grow your ideas beyond your original screen capacity!
Graph View
The graph view is your brain at a glance. View all of your boards and their relationships here.
The graph view shows you all of your boards and how they relate to each other, all of their direct and shortcut connections create a beautiful automatic or custom layout. You can use this space to manage their connections as well, deleting connections as well as drawing new ones between any of your boards.
Collaborate Real Time
Share your boards with your friends! Invite collaborators, control user permissions and create boards together.
Collaborate with other users by creating invite links and sharing them with your friends. Or create a public link that anyone can use any time to view or edit your boards!
What are you waiting for?
Let's get started~